Monday, November 5, 2007

R.I.P. - Sushi

friend since:
10/02/07 - 11/04/07

This cat has adopted me, pretty much, and when I first saw her, she was skinny as hell and had skin problems, so I took care of her for a while. She'd follow me everywhere, I'd go outside everyday and feed her, give her love, play, and I'd always beg mom to keep her, but mom kept saying "no". I'd sneak her in the house every now and then when mom had to work. The cat would always wait for me until I came home from anywhere, then she'd walk up to me and mew loudly. She always waits for me.

Mom went out of town Nov 3, and I had to stay with dad. Then I came home to feed the dog and the cat. I came up to the door looking for the cat and listening for a "meow", but I couldn't find her, so I fed the dog first. After I fed the dog, I went back outside to find the cat again. I looked around everywhere the cat would be, but there was no sign of her anywhere. Worried, I ask the neighbor if they saw my cat anywhere.. and.. they told me the news.

They said there was a dog chasing it last night and the neighbor found her dead in a swimming pool. She had drowned.

Mom called me and said she was thinking about adopting the cat, but I told her the cat was dead. It's too late.

I still find myself looking for her and waiting on the porch for her, even though she's gone. I miss her so much.

I will always remember her.

Farewell, Sushi.


Saturday, November 3, 2007


Waah! I wanted to make a Hidan icon for DA, but it turned out to be tobi as catamari rolling a bigger tobi mask. I couldn't upload it here because I accidently deleted the file, The only way to view it is to visit my DA page. It's my temporary icon for now. see it here!! xD!!!! Run away, Tobi!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

New Technique!

WAAH looky what I did! I totally pimped this out with the color mixer which I JUST discovered in Flash. xD *slow* I feel retarded for not knowing this all along.
Yes, that tool be my friend from now on!

Sunday, September 23, 2007


Hahaha!! Genious! I just HAD to draw this! Mix a great Pokemon with an awesome Akatsuki? LOVE!! !! !!
Harumi-chan gets a cookie for making this genious idea! xD

Saturday, September 22, 2007

[no title]

Man, I hadn't posted in days! Busy busy!

I made a new header though! ^^

Aaaand.. this picture is totally pointless.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007



Monday, September 17, 2007


UWAAH!! xD Me and Squeaky did a quick collab! Meet Sasori and Deidara's Offspring! The little guy is Fido and the other is Sprinkles! (I drew Fido, Squeaks drew Sprinkles)
Hooray for blinding green Kisame!!
Aww I didn't really have time to update yesterday thanks to being all rawrdy-hawr about school. I hate school! It's getting in the way of my drawing time! D:

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Totem Pole.. kinda.. xD

Lorr!! This one's for you!


Waaah!! Akatsukifest IS fun! xD Me, Izzy, and K0uya had a p-chat at akatsukiefest yesterday. I didn't get to participate in the one that had like 50 people in it because my computer kept crashing. ^^" But this makes up for it and I had so much fun!!... until my computer froze at the end. xD;;; Waaah!! THANK YOU IZZY AND KOU!
By the way, I was the one who drew the ugly Deidara. xD;

Friday, September 14, 2007

Hello~! <3
Lately, I've been trying to learn how to make buttons in flash! The Deidara image is what the button I'm trying to make looks like. I'm kinda getting the hang of it, but I wanted to make a cute play button and possibly learn to make interactive little fun-flashes. xD

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Thinking of you~

Of all the times I've tried to oekaki properly with a MOUSE, this is probably the best result. ^^
Hidan is the best! xD

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Kuzu and Hidan chibis

Hey guys! Thank you for showing love for my site! ;o;


Here we have the evil chibis Kakuzu and Hidan! Aren't they cute?


This Hidan was drawn in Akatsukitards oekaki! ^^ It's one of the best oekaki sites for you akatsukitards! My favorite place for oekaki!
Hahah.. Hidan's looking a bit grumpy there.. as usual. xD;


Hi there!! Welcome to my site! This is my first post! Yay? xD